The most well known monthly dividend stock is Realty Income (O). It has provided a monthly dividend for decades for its investors. This company has a history of paying dividends through many recessions and market volatility. This is my "dream" company to invest in. Because it will bring some small but stable income for me. As I right this post today, it is around a dividend yield of 4%. Sure there are some stocks that there give a much higher dividend yield but in terms of stability, it is extremely stable. One of the things that might actually hurt the stock is the Federal Reserve interest rates. But that is unlikely because of the way the Federal Reserve is behaving and not wanting to jack up interest rates. The higher the Federal Reserve interest rates, the less attractive Realty Income will become. So, there could be a dip, but because it has a strong track record of being a safe investment, in times of "need" this stock might hold steady in any upcoming recession. Because it has survived the dot com bubble and the housing crisis, because Realty Income puts its money in commercial property and not high speculative properties. This stock will make up a big portion of my portfolio over the coming years.
Disclaimer: This is just my opinion and not stock advice "blah, blah, blah." If you are getting your stock advice from this website, well you are on the wrong website. I'm writing on this blog because I feel like it.