Update 11/26/2024:
So, Dr. James White and Evangelical Dark Web had an internet scuffle. My conclusion is that I'm basically dropping the internet for the most part except for Banking, Navigation and a few other things. I'm no longer in belief that the internet is a good tool to have, I'm forced to use it because Banks want me to use their app (location data) to verify it is me and it is supper convenient to use Maps (Google or Apple) to get back to MN for the trips that I take to see my previous church, which I love and cherish. I'll keep this website up just to tell the world that internet isn't really that great. Plus it is a piece of mind to not consume large amounts of garbage content both in the Christian realm and non-Christian realm. I hope that you will severely limit your internet usage to a minimum. Also I'll keep the Landscape Photography website up and running for me to show to my family and friends my photos easily, instead of giving them 15 or so photos each time I go and do a Landscape Photography trip, I'll keep the website up and just link it.
So, Dr. James White and Evangelical Dark Web had an internet scuffle. My conclusion is that I'm basically dropping the internet for the most part except for Banking, Navigation and a few other things. I'm no longer in belief that the internet is a good tool to have, I'm forced to use it because Banks want me to use their app (location data) to verify it is me and it is supper convenient to use Maps (Google or Apple) to get back to MN for the trips that I take to see my previous church, which I love and cherish. I'll keep this website up just to tell the world that internet isn't really that great. Plus it is a piece of mind to not consume large amounts of garbage content both in the Christian realm and non-Christian realm. I hope that you will severely limit your internet usage to a minimum. Also I'll keep the Landscape Photography website up and running for me to show to my family and friends my photos easily, instead of giving them 15 or so photos each time I go and do a Landscape Photography trip, I'll keep the website up and just link it.
Major Update (Dec 3, 2022)
I recently moved from Minnesota to Georgia (the state).
A lot has changed from this update since the last update.
March 2022 to May 2022, I've had a sharp spiritual decline especially May of 2022. June of 2022, my small group from my local church in Minnesota at the time was concerned about my spiritual decline and I knew I wanted to spend the last 6 months of Minnesota to be in the Word of God and be praying. By the Lord's grace, I was able to start my DAILY Bible reading in June of 2022, and started my Daily Prayers tail end of August of 2022. My love for the local church from June 2022 to current has grown drastically. Jesus moved me to Georgia at the end of November. I'm very happy with the move but still love that church that had a major impact in my life especially the Jesus Freak couple that was in charged of my small group.
So my desire to be on social media at all is so low, I don't want to think about going back to social media. I will be way more active on TSKJRPhotos.com than on TSKJesusFreak.com. That is where I can most likely shine on the internet. I still hold to a Jesus Center anti-political lifestyle. I no longer consume many of the content creators on my July 12, 2021 update. In terms of content that I listen / watch is from GTY, Ligonier, Bible Thinker, no name church in Maine and the church that love in Minnesota.
In terms of TSKJRPhotos.com I'll be making some day / weekend trips in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida and the Carolinas. I'll be posting them on TSKJRPhotos.com. I'll keep "TSKJesusFreak" up as long as I have the resources to keep it up. Blessings to you all.
I recently moved from Minnesota to Georgia (the state).
A lot has changed from this update since the last update.
March 2022 to May 2022, I've had a sharp spiritual decline especially May of 2022. June of 2022, my small group from my local church in Minnesota at the time was concerned about my spiritual decline and I knew I wanted to spend the last 6 months of Minnesota to be in the Word of God and be praying. By the Lord's grace, I was able to start my DAILY Bible reading in June of 2022, and started my Daily Prayers tail end of August of 2022. My love for the local church from June 2022 to current has grown drastically. Jesus moved me to Georgia at the end of November. I'm very happy with the move but still love that church that had a major impact in my life especially the Jesus Freak couple that was in charged of my small group.
So my desire to be on social media at all is so low, I don't want to think about going back to social media. I will be way more active on TSKJRPhotos.com than on TSKJesusFreak.com. That is where I can most likely shine on the internet. I still hold to a Jesus Center anti-political lifestyle. I no longer consume many of the content creators on my July 12, 2021 update. In terms of content that I listen / watch is from GTY, Ligonier, Bible Thinker, no name church in Maine and the church that love in Minnesota.
In terms of TSKJRPhotos.com I'll be making some day / weekend trips in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Florida and the Carolinas. I'll be posting them on TSKJRPhotos.com. I'll keep "TSKJesusFreak" up as long as I have the resources to keep it up. Blessings to you all.
Updated on July 12, 2021
I have come to the conclusion that there are too many voices out there, and so I'm going to stop directly speaking and let others speak.
I mostly hang out on MeWe at - https://mewe.com/i/tskjesusfreak
Cultural / Political Commentary: (not in order)
Sarah Corriher of the Crusader Gal
Jim Jesus of the Lolberts
Black Pidgeon Speaks
Tim Pool
Eric July
Religious Commentary / Content: (not in order)
Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries
Grace to You
Ligonier Ministries
Anarcho Christian Podcast
Pastor Doug Wilson stuff
Wretched Radio
I will keep this website alive as long as I live and/or have the money to do so.
I will be more active on my other website TSKJRPhotos.com. Furthermore, I do not have any plans to do any content for TSKJRPhotos.com this year, I might do some landscape photography next year, 2022. Whenever I become completely debt free, I will be creating a lot more content over on TSKJRPhotos.com.
Thanks for checking in, but this should have been done months ago. But nonetheless, I finally did an update.
I have come to the conclusion that there are too many voices out there, and so I'm going to stop directly speaking and let others speak.
I mostly hang out on MeWe at - https://mewe.com/i/tskjesusfreak
Cultural / Political Commentary: (not in order)
Sarah Corriher of the Crusader Gal
Jim Jesus of the Lolberts
Black Pidgeon Speaks
Tim Pool
Eric July
Religious Commentary / Content: (not in order)
Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries
Grace to You
Ligonier Ministries
Anarcho Christian Podcast
Pastor Doug Wilson stuff
Wretched Radio
I will keep this website alive as long as I live and/or have the money to do so.
I will be more active on my other website TSKJRPhotos.com. Furthermore, I do not have any plans to do any content for TSKJRPhotos.com this year, I might do some landscape photography next year, 2022. Whenever I become completely debt free, I will be creating a lot more content over on TSKJRPhotos.com.
Thanks for checking in, but this should have been done months ago. But nonetheless, I finally did an update.
Here is my Odysee Channel - https://odysee.com/@tskjesusfreak:2
Highlighted Blog Post - Christian Culture
My Social Media Accounts:
DLive https://dlive.tv/tskjesusfreak
Possibly More to come!
DLive https://dlive.tv/tskjesusfreak
Possibly More to come!
What does the TSK stand for? It is my initials. First and Middle is Terence Shane. If you want to go digging around the website for my last name, whatever, don't care. I doxed myself years ago, why? We need more radical Jesus Freaks to stick out one's neck out. And if I get crucified for following Jesus, welcome to the club of crucified Jesus Freaks and yes, Jesus Himself (the perfect human) was crucified for our sins. In which I'm forever grateful for Jesus dying for my sins, so I can live for Him and Him Alone. The "Jesus Freak" part was a song by DC Talk in which Micheal Tait who is now part of Newsboys made and/or sang the song called Jesus Freak.
The Gospel:
We all have a decision to make in our lives. There are only two places that we are going to go when we die, it is either Heaven or Hell. If one truly believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and makes Him the Lord and Savior of their lives they will be saved. Being saved is a process that one has over their lifetime. The start of when a person believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and that they are continually convicted by the Holy Spirit on a daily and weekly basis about one's sins. Repentance (turning away from sin) from sin is a process that a Christian must go through in their life time. It is a process that is only perfected when Jesus brings the Christian home either through death or actually coming down from heaven. Regardless of your political or philosophical leanings I hope that everyone that comes to this site is convicted by the Holy Spirit and that they would repent from their sins and put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you have questions and don't have any a Bible with you the Bible Gateway is a website that puts the Bible on web format.
The Bible Gateway -Click on "Bible Book List" and it should pull down all of the books of the Bible and if you are just wanting to learn more about the faith read Genesis 1-3 and any of the four Gospels "Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/New-American-Standard-Bible-NASB/
If you want to look at a particular organizational ministry Grace to You (www.GTY.org) and Answers in Genesis (www.Answersingenesis.org) are two good websites if you want to learn more about the Christian faith.
We all have a decision to make in our lives. There are only two places that we are going to go when we die, it is either Heaven or Hell. If one truly believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and makes Him the Lord and Savior of their lives they will be saved. Being saved is a process that one has over their lifetime. The start of when a person believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and that they are continually convicted by the Holy Spirit on a daily and weekly basis about one's sins. Repentance (turning away from sin) from sin is a process that a Christian must go through in their life time. It is a process that is only perfected when Jesus brings the Christian home either through death or actually coming down from heaven. Regardless of your political or philosophical leanings I hope that everyone that comes to this site is convicted by the Holy Spirit and that they would repent from their sins and put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
If you have questions and don't have any a Bible with you the Bible Gateway is a website that puts the Bible on web format.
The Bible Gateway -Click on "Bible Book List" and it should pull down all of the books of the Bible and if you are just wanting to learn more about the faith read Genesis 1-3 and any of the four Gospels "Matthew, Mark, Luke & John. https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/New-American-Standard-Bible-NASB/
If you want to look at a particular organizational ministry Grace to You (www.GTY.org) and Answers in Genesis (www.Answersingenesis.org) are two good websites if you want to learn more about the Christian faith.