This is purely a speculative blog post about the upcoming 2020 elections, and I really don't care who actually wins because my perspective is an AnCap/Voluntaryist perspective. (It is just a favorite color, I'm not identifying myself as an AnCap/Voluntaryist because that runs up against my loyalty to Jesus Christ and I identify myself as a Jesus Freak and nothing else). After stating that here is my take in the 2020 elections:
Trump will face off either Joe Biden or Andrew Yang. The establishment and moderates of the DNC will want Joe Biden to take the reigns of the party. This might be the best chance of taking the White House back in 2020 for the Democrats. The second one is Andrew Yang. Andrew Yang is much like Bernie Sanders, in many ways, but younger. He is more about the policies and not being "woke" and playing identity politics. One thing that sticks out about Andrew Yang is his $1,000 a month "Freedom Dividend." Aka a Government handout to all Americans. He would have it as a opt-in approach meaning, one has to sign up for the "Freedom Dividend." The "Freedom Dividend" is a Universal Basic Income (UBI). He is advocating that if one wants to get this UBI, one has to not take other government programs. So, either take the government programs or the UBI but one can't do both. Which a lot of conservatives won't mind replacing government programs for a simpler method. But what most likely would happen if this plan gets implemented is UBI plus government programs in that case the costs will sky rocket. I say no to both and if the UBI gets implemented, I will not be taking it, because I believe I have to earn the money that I make. And if they force me to take UBI then, I will be making plans to become an Expat and ditch the United States. I have been saying this for years, I rather be poor and free than be rich and enslaved. Anyways, so, this is how the Democrats can beat Trump, have either Biden or Yang as the top ticket or have Biden on top and Yang as VP, because I doubt that Biden would accept a VP candidate again. But who knows. Trump will most likely win because the last time America had a one term president was Bush the First and that was more than 20 years ago. Plus the markets want to have a two term President because it offers stability. Conclusion: Trump will win in 2020 and might win with a landslide. Unlike many of the Republican Presidents before him, he has shown that he can fight back, which is why people can see the crap that the media is going to try to destroy Trump and go directly to Trump's Twitter feed. The media will do everything in their power to destroy Trump. Trump will not back down. I'm guessing Trump will win with a landslide if the Democrats get an extreme woke person in as their candidate.
Really there are only three legitimate ways to run for president in the libertarian perspective.
1. Promoting the Idea of libertarianism and many other philosophies that are associated with libertarianism. This was the approach of the founders of the libertarian party. The LP is meant to spread the message not to take the actual races seriously. In which is the case right now. 2. Getting one's personal profile up. This might be one of the ways I can get my profile up if I did ran for President. To get my content out there and maybe get some new followers of my content. But for me I just want to run for president for the fun of it. If I do get "elected," in which I doubt, I would either take the position and hang out with the military most of my time as President and have the VP do most of the work and I do the bare minimum of being the President. Like the state of the union. I have so many ideas about that being fun to troll everyone! 3. Trolling, this of course is a fun way! I did like the fact Vermin Supreme ran several times and make insane promises like everyone gets a poney and have a boot as a hat! Being an Expat seems really nice and I thought about being an Expat one day but here is where I differ from the expat lifestyle. I'm not saying it is not evil or good. It is a lifestyle that many people in the United States that became so disillusioned with the United States Governments (federal government and the state governments), they basically packed up and left. It isn't as easy as packing up and leaving. There is a process one has to go through. But as for me, there is one big problem with that, I want to run for president of the United States. It would be impossible to run for President as an expat in one's home country. Saying no, to your country and then a few years later wanting to run it. I don't think that would fly. If I'm still single by the time that I get to be of age to run for President then I would run for President. Do I want that position. No, I just want to run for President, for the fun of it. That is one of the biggest reasons why I won't becoming an expat, unless it get really bad in the United States. If I get married and have kids, it depends on the homeschooling laws in the United States. Lets say if I get married and have kids, I would actually have a higher chance of being an expat to ensure that my kids get a proper education. Instead of the garbage that they put out in public schools.
There was a Tweet from President Trump, about the UK's spy agency spying on him in the 2016 elections. Well, governments of other countries have been spying on each other's citizens for years. So, if the United States wants to legally spy on their own citizens one way they can do it, is "allow" the UK government to spy on Americans and just give that information to the US government. Like wise if the UK's system doesn't allow or restrict how much spying can the UK government does on its citizens they would just get the United States to do it to the UK's citizens and give the information to the UK government. They don't "officially" say they spy on each other's citizens but there are evidence their that they do, aka, Edward Snowden's leaking files about the NSA spying on Americans.
References: Here is what his underlining message about his campaign, is to make Christianity progressive again. He claims to be a devote Christian that is in an un-Biblical relationship with his "husband." I went on his website and there isn't any policy issues that he is discussing but what I heard is that he is just a typical politician that wants to see a Trump impeachment if it is needed. Pete Buttigieg is living in sin and he and his "husband" both need to repent and put their identity in Christ Alone. This was where I kind of messed up over the years putting my "identity" in other things besides Christ. And, this is also one of the other underlining sins that I see other people. Sure, I have libertarian/voluntaryist tendiencies but I don't identify by them I just say I lean towards those viewpoints. I don't make those view points as a critical aspect of my life, because I can't otherwise I would be sinning. I must keep myself squarely in Christ Alone. He is the one that I must identity in. There are two major sins that are upfront with this political candidate, and it is homosexuality, and putting things above Christ. Now the second one is a bit harder and I have to fight it everyday.
These are the least taxed states (not in order) Kiplinger has made a list of total taxation. This includes income, sales, property, fuel, sin, inheritance, wireless, travel taxes and also the fiscal condition of the state. They look at the balance sheet and how well they can sustain their current tax situation. Many other studies only look at two or three metrics but in terms of an overall metrics Kiplinger seems to be the best.
Here is the list (not in order): I'm going East to West. Delaware Florida Mississippi Louisiana North Dakota South Dakota Wyoming Arizona Nevada Alaska It is quite interesting that when other studies that don't take a total taxation approach it makes an impression in some states that seem to be a good idea to move but lacking in property taxes as a factor or gas taxes. Of course some states are better than others in certian situations, how one wants to spend their money and what not. But generally speaking the states that are listed above are in fact decent states to live in terms of taxation. Like North Dakota it has an income tax but that doesn't make it a "high taxed" state. Overall it is one of the least taxed states. This is why one must look at the whole context of taxation. References: Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin) is running for office as a United Kingdom Independence Party for EU elections. He is in many ways the Donald Trump of the UK. Because he has been pushing back against the radical feminists for years and had shifted from "progressive" to more moderate position. He is for the nanny state but is very much against identity politics. He claims to be a "Classical Liberal" meaning he is for more freedoms but still believes that governments should still exist. This of course is in clear opposition of my opinion on government being that government must be voluntary and can't just steal people's resources for any reason. One thing that Sargon is also pushing is the narrative that we need to have freedom of speech in our society, which I'm 100% agreement with him on this particular issue. It isn't enough just to have government not regulating speech but it must be a cultural issue as well. It also must be accepted by culture to accept freedom of speech as a cultural norm because without freedom of speech no one has freedom of speech. It is either everyone does or no one does. This is one of the things is become a united front against those who want to suppress speech and those who support freedom of speech. Sure, there are a lot of other areas in politics and cultural debates that we can have but one of them is supported by many people is the notion of freedom of speech must be protected.
Politics is one of those things that I'm always interested in and I try to "stay" away from it, but for content sake, I'll create content again, for the sake of content! My particular viewpoint is an Anarcho-Capitalist perspective, mainly from the phrase of "Thou Shalt Not Steal" so, I went down the rabbit hole, and went from Libertarian (statist) to Anarcho-Capitalist. The reason why I backed off of the subject of politics is because it was getting too close to my identity and my identity is suppose to be Christ Alone, but in terms of politics, at the end of the day, I got Jesus. I'm not too concern about politics since the summer of 2018. I'm not going to "die for a political/philosophical cause. I'm like whatever. I don't really care, interested yes, but that is it, it is just a favorite color, not my life.
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