Here is the simple reason why the Post Office will never get privatized. It is a government agency. No matter how many billions of dollars the Post Office losses, it is a low priority and too many Americans are fond with the idea of the government keeping the Post Office. Sure, FedEx and UPS does a far better job at shipping stuff around but it will never go away until the US Government goes away. Once the US government goes away, then maybe, the US Postal Service will go away. Reason has been saying that for decades and the government hasn't been able to listen to Reason. Plus government isn't reasonable if it was it would just privatized itself a long time ago. All government wants is power, that is all it cares about, is power.
In DC, there was a dangerous intersection where people have been killed at a particular intersection. This reminds me of a dangerous intersection when I was living in Kenosha, WI. It had five roads in one intersection. In order to fix that intersection in Kenosha it would take a lot more than just potholes and painting cross walks. The article at Reason mainly pointed out the smaller problems of particular cities. This is where some of us that think outside of the box, comes in. It is called private cities. Now implementing a private city in America might have to require huge acres of land out in the middle of nowhere and this is what I would actually be doing if I was worth a billion dollars is creating small private cities basically apartment complexes on steroids. The prime example of a private city that is today is Disney World in Florida. They have their own roads, security, fire and other needed infrastructures in order to operate a city. The history of how Disney was able to pull it off is quite interesting, the YouTube video in the references brings a good history and more information about how it can be done. Now, days, I don't think it can be done that easily and it wasn't that easy to do back in the 1960s and now with a lot more "statism" in the country and wanting to control other people it would be even harder.
The solution is private cities not exactly a popular opinion especially in the elites of our society and the promotion of statism. References: |
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