Antifa is a loose organization, or more like a group of organizations that is of the far left and their claim is to fight anti fascists. But in this particular blog post, I won't get into too much about the philosophy of Antifa. There are plenty of organizations and individuals that talked and wrote about Antifa. But in this blog post, I'm going to focus on why Antifa is so effective. They are thugs, they want to use force against other people and have people and organizations to submit to their ideology and for the most part it does work for most people. But there is one group of people that Antifa won't be able to work their ideology against. It is people who have strong convictions and will power to oppose the "mob" rule of Antifa. Tim Pool for example, he is a former Journalist that is more or less a news commentator now days, and has his own show on YouTube and is independently financed. He does not care about what anyone thinks about him, and less so with Antifa. He stands by his own opinions and will take the heat for taking a stand for what he believes in. John MacArthur repeatedly took many stances over the decades and doesn't care what people think of him. He believes in what he believes and these are the types of people that Antifa won't target because they are plenty of easier targets to go after. Hence, why we need more John MacArthur(s) and Tim Pool(s) of the world, and that is why on my home page, I do have a "Side Note" statement where I essentially say, I don't care about a mob or individual going after me, I've made that decision back around 2013, "of not caring" what people think about me. And even more so in post Twitter engagement. I still have Twitter but I only post stuff my blog posts and video gaming videos. But yes, the art of not giving a "(fill in the blank)" about what people think of you and your opinion. This shows that one is strong willed and beable to stand against the pressure of society. If society agrees with you great, but if society doesn't agree with you, then you better have strong convicitions back up one's opinion.
So, It has been on my mind for many years about various things should be smaller. Cities, Nations, Churches all should be smaller. The idea that where one can live in a multimillion person city would seem to be impossible just a few centuries ago. I know in some nations, like India, it is almost impossible to live in a small town. But in particular, small towns might make a come back in the following years. Where high population centers are going to be less and less attractive, there are particular reasons why, but one of the reasons might just be that there is too many people that hold to various viewpoints and lifestyles. If one is in a small town of less than 10K, then people can get to know each other and not go through life not having to know that many people. I know one person can't know all 10K people in a small town. The issues of a small town is smaller and more community focused because there is less power and money that can get corrupted. Not saying there isn't corruption in small towns, but if a small town is really doing so well in terms of corruptions and crime, then people can just leave for the next town over.
In terms of nations, there is about 200 nations in the world. This is way too small in my opinion, because there is over 7 billion people and only 200 nations that is supposed to be able to accommodate the needs of 7 billion, I don't think any system can handle a large amount of people. So as of right now, the average size of each country base off of 7 billion and only 200 nations that would only be 35 million people per nation. 35 million people per nation isn't too bad, but we need break up all the larger nations that are more than 100 million. Which means there is about 14 to 15 nations that are in need of broken up into smaller countries. USA in particular, one can just split up all 50 states and call it a day, but having to break up, that simply might not be that necessary. So, North and South Dakota can just be the "Dakotas" Idaho and Montana can join each other. So if I had all the power to split up the USA into different places here is what I would do: (I'm thinking in terms of sub cultures when I'm splitting up the states). North Eastern States: 1. Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire 2. Massachusetts 3. Rhode Island and Connecticut 4. North West New York 5. South East New York 6. East Pennsylvania 7. Central Pennsylvania 8. West Pennsylvania 9. New Jersey 10. Maryland and Delaware Southern States: 11. East Virginia 12. Central Virginia 13. West Virginia 14. North Carolina 15. South Carolina 16. North Georgia 17. Atlanta 18. East Georgia 19. East Florida 20. West Florida 21. Alabama and Mississippi 22. Kentucky and Tennessee 23. Arkansas and Louisiana Midwest States: 24. Chicago 25. Rest of Illinois 26. Eastern Wisconsin 27. Western Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa 28. Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska 29. North and South Dakota South West States: 30. Oklahoma and North West Texas 31. Dallas Texas Area 32. Houston Texas Area 33. Southern Texas 34. Western Texas 35. Middle Texas 36. Arizona 37. New Mexico North West States: 38. Montana, Idaho, Wyoming 39. Colorado 40. Utah 41. Nevada 42. Las Vegas West coast States: 43. West Washington 44. East Washington 45. West Oregon 46. East Oregon 47. North West California 48. North East California 49. San Francisco 50. East of San Francisco 51. Los Angeles area 52. San Diego area 53. Alaska 54. Hawaii Then in terms of Churches, at max one should go to a church that is 500 or less. Because there would be a much smaller of a community of believers that can actually know each other, hence the rise of small groups, in particular, United States and United Kingdom Christian churches. Many churches back in the 1950s had started to do small groups as a way for members to be in deeper community than just going to church. So in a way a lot of big churches had smaller mini churches that come together on a weekly, every other week or bi-monthly basis, depending on the church and group. The only major difference is that there isn't typically preaching. Even 500 might be too big, it would be good to go to a church that is up to 200 so that one can legitimately know most of the names of their church and ideally be there for more than 10 years of one's life. I know that isn't possible because job moves and what not, but that is my "ideal" and I don't even match it 100%. When one is looking to move into a new area, at the top of the list should be a solid Biblical church that one can go to, if there isn't then one should either join other Biblically solid Christians to start a church in that area or don't move there. These are just my thoughts about who things should be done and what we should strive for in society. Of course I could just sail off into AnCapistand with a bunch of other AnCaps and ditch the city and country life altogether... Ha, that means I would have an obligation to start the "First Reformed Baptist Church of AnCapistand" LOL. Then 2nd Reformed Baptist Church of AnCapistand would start 2.5 seconds after I start it because it isn't to the other person's liking of how I'm doing church, aka wrong color of carpet. Scripture, Scripture and Scripture, it is all about Scripture. The reason why I enjoy the works of the Puritans is because their goal is to align themselves close as possible to a Scripture oriented lifestyle and meditate on God's Word day in and day out. We have lost that mindset where there are a lot of distractions to this world, especially these days, with the news, different content that is being created by various content creators. One of the downfalls in my opinion of the Puritans is that they wanted a church state structure. If they kept church and state separated, in which they eventually had to, they could have been more pure and the church in effect would run its own affairs while the state would run its own affairs. Sure there might have been some overlap where the church influenced the state because the state would have a large population of its citizens that were Puritans. But most of the puritan mindset has gone away and there is a more of and emphasis of the experience of Christianity. Which had its roots in Johnathan Edwards, even though, he would have never gone as far as what we see today or even a few generations after Johnathan Edwards influence on American Christianity. We need to recognize the Christian experience and making a firm decision to follow Jesus. But it shouldn't just to make a decision decades ago and forgetting about it, but being involved with Church life, and reading and memorizing Scripture daily, and going through a Biblically sound Catechism. I have four different Catechisms on my phone and two of them I incorporate them into my daily devotions. The first 100 years of the United States was marked by having a high view of Scripture and going through the Catechism and memorizing Scripture along with the Catechism. The Catechisms are a wonderful tool to use, to keep us sinners on track on what is important. Sure, it has been abused just like any other tool. That is why many had pushed back against the Catechism mindset and have a more experience oriented conversion. Not a long process conversion to the Christian faith. Both are ditches as we see today, where people converted to Christianity multiple times in their life and not knowing if they are actually saved or not. And if we take both the "conversion" mindset and balance with a more long process mindset of going through Scripture and reading, studying it, memorizing it and use Catechisms as a way to foster a life for Jesus is a worthwhile pursuit.
As I think about my future death, and what I want at my funeral is three things, Gospel to be preached, A Mighty Fortress is Our God to be sung and Psalm 46 to be read.
A Mighty Fortress is Our God was made by Luther himself, the great reformer of the Christian Church. He made this wonderful hymn based off of Psalm 46, and I see why he based this great hymn off of a greater Psalm. Psalm 46 shows even thought things might get a bit rocky on Earth but a stronger fortress is with God Himself. And the hymn with the great organ makes the mightiness of this great Psalm alive and well. This Psalm is my favorite out of all the Psalms because A Mighty Fortress is Our God is based off of this song. Such a beautiful passage of Scripture!!! Over the past several months, I've been rethinking my thoughts about meats and avoiding meats and I do avoid beef more so than other meats. One of the reasons why I'm ending up kind of being a more of a fan of meats is because how the American food system is being run. One thing that it lacks greatly is minerals. That is why I'm ending up buying Bison today and trying it, to see how I would like it or not. I will post pics below of the ingredients that I put in, and since I did enough cooking in my life so far, I did a ruff estimate of how much did I put it, I basically eyeball it. It was good, I thought it would be a bit gamier but it still had a game flavor to it. Which I was expecting a lot more. The nice thing about Bison is that it has a lot more minerals like iron, because they are out in the "wild" and hunted or for the most part farmed in such away that the Bison gets its minerals from the grass which the grass gets its minerals from the dirt and the grass that they typically eat is that of deep-rooted grass not the grass that we typically see in the cattle farms across the USA.
Would I regularly eat Bison? Maybe two or three times a month for now, I might get Bison on a weekly basis to have as part of my meal, once I settle into my new apartment, around November! Thanks for consuming this piece of content that I made! Have a blessed day! - Terence Shane K |
AuthorTSKJesusFreak is all about bringing a Jesus Center Reformed Minded Worldview to the world. Archives
June 2024